Tuesday, January 21, 2014

DIY is now on Tuesdays :)

     Like I said before in my recent blog post, DIY Fridays is now moving to Tuesdays.
A few weeks ago I was asked to be a guest for The Vlog Projects on YouTube. I'll put the link down below so you can check them out, and please subscribe to them as well as my channel. Anyways their challenge for that week was to create a superhero and we could create a costume if we wanted to. I chose to make a costume (well the bottoms). I ended up making a tutu for my bottoms, so I figured why not add the steps to DIY Friday (which is now Tuesday lol).

I am going to make a not that a lot of people said it only took about half an hour....hmmm.... ***WARNING***** this project is time consuming and does not I repeat DOES NOT take half an hour to make. 

Anyways back to the drawing board:


  • I bought 4 rolls of 6" glitter tulle in pink or magenta and blue (2 of each). I purchased these on clearance at Wal-Mart for I think $3.00 ea.
  • 1" ribbed non-roll Elastic in 1 yd. This was about $2.00 if I can remember.
  • Ruler
  • Scissors
  • Hot glue gun

Step 1:

  • Measure tulle to how short you want the tutu to be, and then multiply by 2. I did 15 x 2 = 30 and added an inch. Continue to cut the pieces doing one pink, then one blue, pink, then blue, and so on. I can't really say how many pieces I cut but I did lose count after 20, so just eyeball how many and you can always cut more if you need to.

Step 2:

  • After cutting the pieces of tulle you'll want to begin to measure the elastic. I just place the elastic around my waist and measured how low I wanted it to be and before cutting minus an inch or 2. Instead of sewing the ends I just hot glued the ends.

Step 3:

  • Now this part is going to be the time consuming part and it can be a little bit confusing so pay attention and read this step over again if you have to. Take a piece of tulle and fold it in half. Now lay the looped middle a couple of inches over the elastic. This step everyone seems to put over the elastic, I found it a bit easier to place it under. 

Step 4:

  • Now hold the 2 ends together then pull them around the back (or front) of the elastic and through your loop, forming a slip knot. Keep pulling the ends until to tighten the knot. {Being that I chose glitter tulle it can get a little messy, but on the bright side I ended up recycling the glitter for another project} Rotate the colors and continue to slide it to the end.

Rock on and Stay Beautiful DIYers

To see the end result watch The Vlog Projects Superhero Episode Week 9 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYp8bEuw9uI

Subscribe to The Vlog Projects http://www.youtube.com/user/thevlogprojects   

Remember to follow the Twitter page for updates   https://twitter.com/1UpsCoffeeCups

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Quick Update

HEEELLLLOOOO Bloggers and Bloggette readers/DIYers/Blog makers/and everyone in between.

     Just a quick update on what has been going on and why I haven't posted any blogs/DIY blogs. The reason behind that was in November I had mentioned I was doing some training out of town. Well being that after the training it was the holidays and my official start work date I didn't have time to post anything. Also once January came around it was the new year and on the 13th was my birthday and the 15th was my dads. I am now free after all these crazy holidays and birthdays, so yes I will be back to posting. I know tomorrow is Friday I will not be doing a DIY, but I am thinking about moving my DIY on Tuesday. Also I will be doing more youtube videos this is my new year goal and I plan on doing so. I have a new camera and laptop so everyone be on the lookout.

That is all for tonight remember to rock on and stay beautiful. ;)